We provide chicks and hatching eggs from a variety of quality breeds, from fun to practical, at a reasonable price for those who want to enjoy beautiful birds in their backyard and farm fresh eggs. Our small, family farm is located in Chehalis, Washington. Local pick-up only.
Hablamos español.
See pictures of our flocks:
- Rhode Island Red
- White Leghorn
- Bielefelder
- Marans
- Cream Crested Legbar
- Speckled Sussex
- Light Brahma
- Polish
- Ayam Cemani
- Bantam Ameraucana
- Cochin Bantam
- Silkie
- Hatching Eggs
Email me at chicks@chickneggs.com if you want me to let you know when I have chicks and hatching eggs available.
Parent stock are separated by breed.
I can typically only meet in Chehalis with chicks. Sometimes, I can meet in Olympia with hatching eggs. I sell chicks on a first-come-first-served basis and give priority to people taking larger quantities and flexible to meet around my work schedule. Once chicks start hatching, I have new ones everyday. Perfect for broody hens!